Thursday, October 19, 2006

Notice: Holiday Deadline

As we near the Christmas season, demand drastically increases for our products, therefore we have an absolute deadline for written album approvals, marked with the word *Holiday*, to be received in-house, by mail or email, no later than November 3, 2006. If we receive approvals after this date, even if they say holiday, we will not be able to get the album(s) by Christmas. This deadline is implemented by our album manufacturers and is not flexible.

Notice: Office Closed 10/25/06-11/1/06

We want to let you all know that our office will be closed from Tuesday October 25, 2006 to Wednesday November 1, 2006. Jerome will be out of the country on a photo assignment with plenty of amazing photos to post when he returns.


Friday, October 13, 2006

Alisa and Shaun - The Wedding - Part 2

Thanks for looking!